HEALTH · Health Tips · Mental health

Sleep : Your Body’s Superpower

Inadequate Quality Sleep is responsible for so many Health Problems in today's Life.  As we know the pressure for doing work in job or business, studying in schools or colleges have increased the amount of stress in daily life , along with it people have decreased their sleeping hours to do that work/study done on time. But until your brain and body will not get proper rest and quality sleep the ability of working your body and mind also declines.

HEALTH · Health Tips · Healthy diet

Bite into Winter Bliss: The Top Reasons to Include Almonds in Your Diet

Winter is coming, and when the temperature drops, our energy levels do too. It's the time of year to savor healthful, nutrient-dense foods that satisfy our appetites and give us the energy we need to get through the day. Almonds are one such nutrient-dense food that you should include in your winter diet.

HEALTH · Health Tips

Diwali Delight: Your Ultimate Secret Recipe to Counter Air Pollution

As Diwali approaches, celebrations can cause increased air pollution, particularly in North India due to firecrackers. Protection methods include limiting outdoor activities, wearing a mask, staying hydrated, eating healthily, and avoiding firecrackers. The post also shares a secret health drink recipe consisting of turmeric, ginger, black pepper, honey, and jaggery to boost lung and liver health and immunity.

EXERCISES · Fitness · HEALTH · Health Tips · Mental health · YOGA

Yoga Asanas to Improve Thyroid

The Thyroid is the most common condition happening nowadays. Thyroid mainly occurs due to an unhealthy and undisciplined lifestyle. An unhealthy lifestyle and bad habits cause irregularity of hormones and thus thyroid hormone imbalance causes weight gain or weight loss and so many other problems. The thyroid is of two types. Hypothyroidism & Hyperthyroidism. In… Continue reading Yoga Asanas to Improve Thyroid

Fitness · HEALTH · Mental health · YOGA

5 Best Yoga Poses for Mental Wellbeing

Mental Well-being is very important nowadays. Everyone is facing stressful situations most of the time. Except for Sleeping hours, almost every time people face stress to some extent. Handling stress became a new trend. People have explored several ways to handle stress in daily life. That several ways include binge eating for a few, doing… Continue reading 5 Best Yoga Poses for Mental Wellbeing

Alcohol · EXERCISES · Fitness · Geriatric Health · HEALTH · Health Tips · Liver Health · weight loss

How exercise can help to keep your Liver Healthy?

The liver is your largest internal organ, it has a number of vital functions. There are 5 major functions of the liver. DigestionFiltrationMetabolism & DetoxificationProtein SynthesisStorage of Vitamins & Minerals The worldwide fact is that exercise works wonders for health & wellbeing. Exercise helps to make you feel happy, and stress-free, increases your energy levels,… Continue reading How exercise can help to keep your Liver Healthy?