HEALTH · Health Tips · YOGA

Yoga Poses Which Help You To Provide Energy

The prescription for regaining energy is to balance things out. This sequence is designed to both slow things down to honor the exhaustion, and to rev up certain aspects of the practice to elevate mood. Remember we are not looking to feel like we’re amped up on ten cups of coffee. Sustainable energy is a… Continue reading Yoga Poses Which Help You To Provide Energy

Alcohol · EXERCISES · Fitness · Geriatric Health · HEALTH · Health Tips · Liver Health · weight loss

How exercise can help to keep your Liver Healthy?

The liver is your largest internal organ, it has a number of vital functions. There are 5 major functions of the liver. DigestionFiltrationMetabolism & DetoxificationProtein SynthesisStorage of Vitamins & Minerals The worldwide fact is that exercise works wonders for health & wellbeing. Exercise helps to make you feel happy, and stress-free, increases your energy levels,… Continue reading How exercise can help to keep your Liver Healthy?