HEALTH · Health Tips · YOGA

Yoga Poses Which Help You To Provide Energy

The prescription for regaining energy is to balance things out. This sequence is designed to both slow things down to honor the exhaustion, and to rev up certain aspects of the practice to elevate mood. Remember we are not looking to feel like we’re amped up on ten cups of coffee. Sustainable energy is a lot more subtle than that. You want to be both alert and reposed.

Balasana – Child’s Pose

It can seem counterintuitive to start in a pose that may make you want to go to sleep, but Child’s Pose can be an opportunity to meet yourself where you are. Having your elbows bent and your heart melting toward the ground is a tease of the deeper back-bending to come. This variation is the best of both worlds—both calming and activating. It’s the pause before the action.

Bitilasana/Marjaryasana – Cat/Cow Pose

One benefit of practicing Cat/Cow early in a sequence is that it helps you begin to energize your body. Movement increases oxygen circulation, which supports the body’s overall use and maintenance of energy. It can also ignite feel-good hormones, such as dopamine and endorphins. Here, we will focus on the area of the lungs. Add in the mindfulness aspect of pairing breath to action and you have the perfect energy-boosting cocktail.

Low Lunge Pose

Back bending postures are thought to help boost energy by stimulating our adrenals, the glands that regulate many of the body’s autonomic processes including blood pressure, mood, and immunity. They are also key players in our stress response. Sitting on top of our kidneys just at the line of our lower ribs, the adrenals share fascia (connective-tissue) with the psoas muscles, one of the main hip flexors. According to Liz Koch, author of The Psoas Book, “a chronically tightened psoas continually signals your body that you’re in danger, eventually exhausting the adrenal glands and depleting the immune system.” This is why psoas lengthening poses like Low Lunge can be effective stress-reducers.

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana – Upward Facing Dog Pose

This version of Upward Facing Dog will continue the work of the previous pose, lengthening the psoas while stimulating the adrenals. Curling your toes under enables you to activate your legs in a more accessible way than when we are pressing into the tops of our feet. Sometimes we have to give energy to get energy!

Virabhadrasana 2 – Warrior 2 Pose

Energy doesn’t only come from movement; it can come from stillness, too. Virabhadrasana 2 allows you to anchor into the power of your legs, while using our arms to open your chest and heart. This arm variation gives you a mild backbend. The slight twist of the trunk in Warrior 2 can be energetically refreshing. Sometimes energy is just stuck and needs to be uncovered and unleashed.

Ustrasana – Camel Pose

While this pose is generally categorized as a variation of Camel, it is equally a variation of Laghu Vajrasana, which translates to “little thunderbolt” in English. Part of what makes this little thunderbolt so charged is the leg strength required to support you in bending backward safely. You need a foundation of grounding and support, if you are to have energy.

Bharadvajasana – Bharadvaja’s Twist

Twists are considered neutralizers for the spine. They are a nice transition pose after extreme movements and a good way to unwind, literally. This sequence has required a lot of spinal extension work, back-bending in the majority of poses. This seated twist will help bring your spine (and energy) back to a more balanced place.

Supta Baddha Konasana – Reclining Bound Angle Pose

A common tendency in using asana practice as an energizer is to sequence in nothing but strong, dynamic poses. But in order for your energy gains to be sustainable, you need to also take moments to pause and receive. This variation of Reclining Bound Angle Pose will serve as your Savasana, as well.

Yoga energize you inside out. Whenever you feel low you should not miss your yoga class. If you wish to start your yoga journey, than we can help you with our yoga classes. We do provide online as well as offline classes in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Studio Name – PX6 Fitness, Physiotherapy and Energy Healing Center.

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