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Night owl – A person who is habitually active or wakeful at night.
Lark – A person who habitually gets up early and feels energetic early in the day.

We all know that sleeping at late night causes lots of disadvantages. And that disadvantages are not temporary what we feel on next day morning. But that affect through out your life. Ayurveda has given ideal time for sleep i.e. 10 p.m. to 4 a.m. which is best for your body and mind. Medical Science has also proven that late night sleeping is associated with many diseases and disorders.

In today’s generation it is most common thing, I don’t think we should mention it as a problem cause It has became a habit now (by choice). Reasons behind that vary on what type of person you are , Students have to be awake for studies – exams , same way job workers has also some deadlines for completion of work , some people just spend time on social media till late night. Eveningness is also associated with unhealthy diet habits (more fat intake) which leads to increase risk of cardiometabolic diseases. In geriatrics eveningness is associated with depression and mood disorders.

Late night persons also experience greater “social jetlag”, which is caused by going to bed and waking up later on non-working days compared to working days. Greater social jetlag is also associated with overweight.

People who wake up late have an internal biological clock that doesn’t match their external environment. Ultimately it may results in to long term problems – increase prevalence of wide variety of diseases or disorders, including diabetes, psychological, neurological, respiratory and gastrointestinal/abdominal disorders.
Night owls have 10% higher risk of dying sooner than larks according to a study from Northwestern Medicine and University of Survey in UK.


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12 thoughts on “ALERT for NIGHT OWLS

      1. That’s me Prashasti. Doing yoga now, the night owl with body clock waking me up at 5.55 am, but very energetic when I read WordPress comments 😊

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